6 Proven Addiction Treatment
It is important to note that addiction is a complex disease that can have catastrophic effects if left untreated. It can cause financial troubles, employment problems, legal problems, and strains in relationships. Several Toronto addiction treatment clinics treat substance abuse; however, some people still struggle to maintain sobriety after rehab. This could be because the addiction treatment wasn’t appropriate for their current situation.
Individuals must be treated in a way that matches their characteristics. By tailoring the settings and therapeutic modalities, one can increase his or her chances of a successful recovery. In this article, we will examine the most effective addiction treatments.
Addiction Treatment Methods in Toronto
1. Medical Detox
Medical detoxification is meant to remove all the drugs from the addicted person’s body. As part of the detoxification process, healthcare professionals treat the physical and mental symptoms of drug withdrawal to ensure a comfortable experience. During detoxification, individual therapy also prepares the client for the ongoing rehab treatment center.
HCM Pharmacy offers reliable addiction medicine services in Toronto. Call (416) 539-9555 for more information
2. Inpatient Rehab
For people recovering from addiction, inpatient rehab provides a high level of structure and accountability. Each client lives in the rehab facility throughout the duration of treatment and maintains a structured schedule.
The program includes individual therapy, group therapy, participation in recovery group meetings, physical activity, meals, and recreational outings along with some personal time. The program also includes addiction medicine services in Toronto.
3. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
Mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, alcoholism, and substance abuse are treated with this approach. It aims at changing one’s distorted, irrational, and inaccurate perceptions. Cognitive-behavioral therapy can help a person address addiction in the following ways:
- Self-control
- Staying away from triggering situations
- Identifying situations when they are more likely to consume alcohol or drugs
- Coping techniques when they encounter events that make them crave alcohol or drugs
- Dealing with any other factors that may contribute to their addiction
It involves identifying harmful, destructive thought patterns which lead to substance abuse and then developing strategies to challenge them.
Also Read: How to Help a Loved One Overcome Addiction
4. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR)
This type of therapy helps people process their memories, thoughts, and traumas through visual stimulation.
In sessions, you will follow the motion of your therapist’s fingers with your eyes as they move their fingers back and forth. Your therapist will ask you to recall a troubling memory and identify your belief about yourself.
The therapist will let you rate your degree of distress before and after each EMDR session. This reduces the intensity of the feelings associated with the memory and aims to treat addiction at its root.
For those who are susceptible to substance abuse or don’t respond well to drugs, this addiction treatment therapy is an excellent option.
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5. Motivational Interviewing
This type of counselling explores and resolves patients’ ambivalence and encourages behavior change. When it comes to changing one’s behavior, each individual is at a different stage of preparedness. People with substance abuse are partially aware of the consequences of their actions.
When a therapist asks open-ended questions, offers affirmations, and engages in reflective listening, he or she will combat the fear of change and increase the individual’s motivation to change.
Once you face denial and realize the negative effects of drug abuse, it becomes easier to change. The treatment shows you the pros and cons of quitting based on what you feel is important to you.
There is no sense of urgency to take action. Instead, you’re making a conscious decision to make an impact.
HCM Pharmacy, a trusted clinic for addiction treatment in Toronto, helps people overcome the challenges of addiction. Visit www.hcmpharmacy.com
6. Family Therapy
The goal of family or couples therapy is to address a person’s substance abuse problems as well as co-occurring issues and their effects on relationships within a family. As a result of family therapy, addicted people understand that their actions and behaviors are influenced by their relationships with their families.
The goal of this addiction treatment therapy is to improve relationships, address issues such as stress, enabling behaviors, and communication problems, and improve the home environment so that abstinence is maintained. It involves all affected individuals (immediately and/or extended family).
An individual’s needs, circumstances, and experience with addiction will all contribute to how they choose the best therapy for substance abuse. A well-rounded approach to addiction treatment often involves using many of the types of therapies listed above in conjunction with one another.
If you are struggling to maintain sobriety, visit Health Care Mart to know about addiction medicine services in Toronto.