8 Cloud Business Tips for Small Companies
Depending on how tech-savvy you are, you may not realize that you’ve been using cloud-based technology for years already. Webmail providers like Google and Hotmail are examples of how useful the cloud can be.
Now, with improved internet infrastructure and super fast download and upload speeds, more and more software is being housed in the cloud rather than on your local computer.
There is a lot to be gained from moving away from traditional in-house servers and computer services to using cloud business solutions. The fact that some of the biggest names in the industry like Microsoft and Amazon are embracing this technology is a predictor of its future uptake.
Cloud technology is super exciting, and these tips below are designed to prompt your imagination and help you see how it all fits with your business needs. Keep reading for 8 cloud business tips for small businesses.
1. Stored But Not Forgotten
As a small business, you’re going to need the ability to store your business-related data. You could store this on your desktop computer or another local hard drive. That’s OK, but it can be risky.
If your computer gets infected with a virus, or the hard drive develops a fault, then you could lose your data. Storing your data in the cloud will mean it is safe and always available no matter where you are.
2. Got Your Data Backup
Backing up your data is one of the basic principles of good information management. There are lots of ways you can do this. You can backup to another computer, a separate hard drive, or you can back up to the cloud.
If you’ve got limited options when using the internet, then a local backup could be faster and preferred. However, the majority of businesses have access to superfast download and upload speeds and so they can easily create backup copies of their data in the cloud. A big advantage is that this can be customized and automated according to your needs.
3. 24/7 World
As a small business cloud computing is going to give you access to your business anytime and anywhere. This is the ultimate flexibility in working. If your business information and work processes are built on cloud-based technology then you will be able to run your business on your smartphone or tablet while drinking coffee in Starbucks or drinking cocktails on the beach.
4. Sharing Is Caring
Depending on the nature of your business you may have the need to share large data files with clients and other work collaborators. Emailing this information can be slow and unreliable due to the file size.
Cloud-based computing will allow you to work in the cloud and save all your work in the cloud and selectively share elements of that work with others. You can send a secure link, or set up access for others. This is an efficient and flexible approach to sharing information.
5. Scalable Is Key to Growth
Business gurus will debate about the various models of a scalable business but one thing is for sure. As your business grows you want to be able to scale up your resources to support your business functions, while at the same time paying only for what is truly needed.
Cloud-based technology and resources are often designed to be scalable. That means, you can start small and low cost, then as you grow you can expand the online resource you need to stimulate and support further growth.
6. Less Overheads More Control
As a small business, controlling your costs is a big priority. Cloud-based resources will save you a lot of money in buying the hardware and software needed to run your business.
You can subscribe to cloud-based software and keep your costs to a minimum on a monthly basis. These options are often modular so that you can add to or take away as you see fit, and most often that flexibility is reflected in the pricing.
7. Secure Data
The security of online data is the subject of closer and closer scrutiny. There is an entire industry dedicated to developing, providing, and maintaining the highest levels of data security. It’s important that users themselves maintain good data security practices but there is good reason to have confidence in the security of cloud technology.
Very likely you use internet banking and other cloud-based financial applications. If you use a reputable provider, your cloud data will be more secure than if it was on your local laptop.
8. Don’t Get Left Behind
You would be amazed at how many different industries are taking advantage of cloud-based software. Visit this website as an example, and you’ll see how the healthcare industry is using the advantages of the cloud to serve the interests of clinicians and patients.
Whatever industry you’re in, you can be sure that there are cloud-based solutions being developed. As the internet continues to rule the world, you can be sure that the cloud will continue to be at the forefront of business solutions.
Cloud Business Is the Future
In this article, you’ve read about 8 cloud business tips for small companies. No doubt you’ve already heard the phrase but thanks to this article, you know now why it’s so relevant to you and your business.
These tips have helped you see the advantages of using the cloud and how that can help you be flexible and more cost-effective in your business delivery model. Check out more business tips, tricks, and insights on our site.