
Getting back to normal in 2022

These last few years have been, for many, a steep learning curve about how to keep their businesses running and profitable, while the world has very much been turned upside down by the pandemic. However, with society starting to return to normal, it is time to start picking up the pieces and to rebuild. It’s true to say though, that things will never be quite the same as they were before.

Reconnecting at work

Although there are many businesses that have seen the benefits of having their employees working remotely, or in a hybrid manner, there are still businesses that are less inclined to let their staff work like this, or are operating in the manufacturing sector, where home-working just isn’t feasible.

If you are struggling to get your workforce back under one roof, you may have to make some adjustments to construct a safer environment, so that your staff feel less vulnerable at work. The one thing you shouldn’t do, is threaten their jobs in order to get them to comply with your wishes, as you could find yourself with egg on your face, with no one to work for you.

We watch more on streaming services than ever before!

When people have thought about entertainment in recent years, many have opted for the streaming services available to them – this was exacerbated when cinemas were forced to close their doors, due to the pandemic. Unfortunately, this trend has continued, even though most cinemas have now reopened.

This is a shame, as it now seems that cinemas are taking another hit in audience numbers, which shrinks their ticket sales. However, cinemas are welcoming their first billion-dollar movie, this summer, to tempt audiences back into their theaters! However, several entertainment companies like Disney, are still putting a bigger focus on streaming content than they did prior to 2020.

Getting back to traditional face-to-face consultations

Sadly, doctor surgeries are also having a hard time getting their patients back for face-to-face appointments. This could be down to the convenience that patients have gotten used to in online or phone consultations, however, it is far more prudent for the sake of accurate diagnoses, for general practitioners to see their patients, rather than assess them from afar.

Even though the restrictions the government set for so long, have now been lifted, some people still lack of confidence in the containment of the virus. It is up to GP practices to promote trust in their patients. These ways are discussed in more detail in this article: 4 Ways To Ease Patient’s Back Into In-person Visits


Although online learning was a necessity in order to keep young people safe during the pandemic, this sort of studying has been found to be highly beneficial – in fact many teaching establishments now offer online courses that are virtually the same as their on-campus courses. But there are still good reasons for encouraging kids, teenagers, and young adults, back into a classroom environment…

For some, learning in groups, is the best way to go; they rely on the support from other students and teachers or lecturers available to them, and benefit from the social interaction that an actual classroom setting brings. It’s also easier to stay motivated with classmates all moving in the same direction.

However, there are plenty of people that find they can study far better when they’re on their own, learning at their own pace. Of course, these students too, have access to their teachers or lecturers for support, should they require it, online.


All over the world, shopping malls (with the exception of food-based malls), have felt the squeeze and are losing money due to the lack of customers shopping at their stores. It is no surprise that the way in which the public make purchases, has changed over the last few years: people have moved to buying online rather than in person, and it’s a trend that’s very popular. This is not a good scenario for the retail stores and those who work in them.

Hopefully, this is not the beginning of the end of bricks and mortar stores, as they shift to selling more of their products online. They will need to think of new initiatives to entice customers back through their doors.

On a positive note, there are now plenty of eateries, whose owners are relieved to see customers returning to their tables, and even bars and clubs are starting to pick up trade…

Cheryl Henson

Cheryl Henson is a passionate blogger and digital marketing professional who loves writing, reading, and sharing blogs on various topics.

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