
Learn To Code When You Are Busy

Learning computer programming is no child’s play. You cannot expect to be a master at it overnight. A dedicated amount of time, effort, and practice is required to learn such a complex skill. But, how should an individual juggling between jobs, hobbies, family and so much more can do this focused task of learning? Guess what. The answer is very simple. The most important trait to master the skill of coding is consistency.

Several other factors affect your learning of coding. However, the master trick is to spend at least some time each day and continue the drill. While in the beginning, this will seem like a tedious process, but once you see the results, your motivation starts increasing.

There is no age barrier to learning. Nowadays, parents also start coding classes for kids early on in their life. This not just makes the students master the skills but also boosts their confidence levels.

We at Coder Cookies, provide coding courses for kids, helping them understand the concepts through real-world applications. This further provides them with industry exposure.

How to learn to code when you are busy?

The adults who want to enhance their programming skills can do so even in their busy schedules. Here are some tips to help you out:

Set up your priorities:

Inspect yourself. You can divide your tasks for the day based on these four categories:

  • Urgent and important
  • Not very urgent, but important
  • Urgent but not very important
  • Not urgent and not important

This will help you clarify the major of your problems and eliminate the things which are not important and worth your time. Try spending time with people who add value to your life. Even in your job, work only as much is required. Do not burn yourself. This will consume your energy, leaving you too tired to work on anything else. In case you have children and family commitments, a good idea is to enroll your child in coding courses for kids. This will keep them busy giving you your space alongside.

Do not try to memorize everything at once:

When you are just starting, do not overwhelm yourself with all the information. You will not be able to figure what is important and what isn’t just at the beginning. So, just start learning bit by bit and then move on to internalize the concepts. While there will be some iterative questions and concepts, which will be important. Else, you can always Google the other essential concepts which you are unable to understand.

Do not hesitate to ask for advice:

You cannot be a master without learning and clarifying your concepts. Do not back off or be shy to ask doubts to someone you know is an expert. Whenever you get stuck in something, do not push yourself to work on it. You might end up wasting your time. It is a wise decision to ask people and get going. This will help you in understanding the approach towards the section you are stuck in. The same case applies to kids when they study. They keep on asking questions till they are satisfied with the answers. With the coding classes for kids at Coder Cookies, we help them in solving it all.

Note down everything:

Taking notes is a good practice. This does not mean that you need to jot down every minute detail. Rather, just note down the important things whenever you come across a new concept. This will help you look up the concepts easily and quickly when you are stuck while working on your coding.

Experiment with the coding on your own:

Yes, this is the most crucial aspect of coding. Until and unless, you do not try, experiment, fail, revamp and try again, you will not be able to learn. The more you experiment the more you improve your perspective towards coding and the better you will get at it. Whatever skills you are learning, you can master them only with practical application. The same goes for kids. In our coding courses for kids, we allow them to explore the breadths of the programming language.

Use the right resources:

You will not be able to learn well if you do not have the right resources. Check for the best online programming courses and stick to them religiously. The more different places and resources you use, the more confused you will be. Make a streamlined learning path for yourself. At Coder Cookies, we provide the kids with dedicated coding classes for kids, right from beginners to advanced modules.

Engage with the community:

How will you know about the latest developments in the programming software? Or any new tactics that can be applied? Well, why not engage in a coder’s community. This will help you in improving your coding skills manifolds.


So, if you are keen to start with coding? Go ahead. But, do not give up in the process. It will take time. No matter how busy your schedule is, stay committed to the process.

Cheryl Henson

Cheryl Henson is a passionate blogger and digital marketing professional who loves writing, reading, and sharing blogs on various topics.

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