
Phone Anxiety No More – Practical Steps for Confidence on Calls

Phone anxiety is not only uncomfortable, but it can also limit career advancement and lifelong relationships. Learn how to overcome it.

Whether you’re engaging in a phone call or text, confidence plays a pivotal role in conveying your message with impact.

Take A Deep Breath

Breathing deeply from the abdomen is a simple way to calm yourself and feel more in control. During those endless conference calls, it is also easy to do anywhere — in the privacy of your own home, on a flight.

Deep breathing triggers the parasympathetic nervous system and can help you start to think rationally again.

It takes practice to get into the habit of consciously controlling your breath, so start by setting aside specific times in your day to focus on this. Try combining it with helpful imagery or a mindfulness mantra to enhance the impact. The more you do it, the better you’ll rely on this technique in stressful situations.

Relax Your Body

A few minutes of relaxation before a call can make all the difference. Lie on a comfortable surface and slowly and intentionally release tension from your body, one section at a time. Begin with your feet and move up to your knees, thighs, belly, etc. This will help you to relax and feel more confident on the call.

Phone anxiety, or telephonophobia, is not a clinical term, but it describes the feeling of anxiety that many people experience when they have to talk on the phone. The symptoms of telephonophobia can range from physical (increased heart rate, sweating, or trembling) to emotional (fear, dread, obsessive thoughts) and often lead to avoiding calls altogether.

Focus On The Person You’re Talking To

Phone calls are among the most common ways for potential clients or customers to contact a business. Providing a strong, professional first impression is vitally important to businesses that want to grow.

During a call, the most important thing is to listen closely and pay attention to what the person is saying. Preparing for the call beforehand is also helpful. Write down all the questions you would like to ask the person and how you plan to respond.

Practice Talking On The Phone

Talking on the phone is a skill that requires practice. The more you do it, the less overwhelming it will become. You can start with casual, low-stakes calls with friends or family and eventually work up to professional ones.

Speaking on the phone also involves different etiquette than face-to-face conversations. Leaving space between your words, not talking too quickly, and using a deeper voice are all things that can make you sound more confident on the call.

Additionally, people nervous about talking on the phone tend to overthink things. They worry that the other person will think less of them if they stammer or misspeak on the call. It’s important to realize that it’s not your fault if something goes wrong during the call.

Set Goals

A phone call is often a prospect’s first impression of your business, so it’s important to make it count. Start by getting prepared the night before and block out time on your calendar each day to focus solely on calls.

Whether speaking with friends and family or customers and prospects, practicing open body language, using a script, and staying hydrated will help you feel and sound confident on the phone. Remember to celebrate each success and reward yourself after every call. By focusing on the positive, you’ll build momentum over time and be ready to tackle any call confidently.

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Cheryl Henson

Cheryl Henson is a passionate blogger and digital marketing professional who loves writing, reading, and sharing blogs on various topics.

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