
Playing Rummy is Not Just Fun but Money Too!

For centuries now the best pastime known to man has cards. The love for card games is so hard all across the world that no party, celebration, or get-together is ever complete without a hand of cards amongst friends and family. Kudos to technology and digitization that this fun can now be cherished anytime anywhere. The apps and websites present the game in such an easy and hassle-free that novices can learn it in just one go. And for seasoned players playing rummy online rather than just gets better for there are many exciting prizes and bumper money to be won! Isn’t it cool? If curiosity is brewing inside and wants to explore more about How to Join Rummy Tournament online, here is a detailed account of all answers.

Also since money is at stake in these online games, just ensure to read through carefully on How to avoid loosing money in rummy. Have a lookto read through the tips and tricks:

Understanding the Mega Game of Rummy

Rummy is an age-old card game that works on the concept of mixing-matching of cards. It is played amongst 2-6 players with 1 and 2 decks of cards respectively. The game has 2 jokers; 1 printed and 1 assigned that acts as a substitute card. The dealer begins by dealing 13 cards to each player. The remaining cards are divided into an open and a closed stack. The players have to create melds or sets out of these cards based on color, sequence, suit, or rank. Every player picks one card from the remaining decks and discards one card at its turn. The idea is to make maximum pairs in the minimum time.

Special Points to Remember

  • Always remember to make at least three melds consisting of one pure sequence before calling out a declaration.
  • A pure sequence is made without the use of any substitute cards. Try to make this meld first to secure a winning position.
  • High-ranking cards like Kings, Queens, Aces, and Jacks hold maximum points. Replace or discard them if losing to reduce losses.
  • To keep self-strategy a secret and unknown to competitors, pick cards from the closed deck.
  • Arrange the cards wisely. Make sure that if want to quit, it is at the right time. The points for quitting increase after every round, thereby shooting up the money losses.

Strategies to Ace the Tournament

Once the player gets a hang of the game, the moves, and the hacks, one can target tournaments for some big money-making. These tournaments are conducted regularly on holidays, weekends, and other occasions. Some have free entry while others might levy some entry load. But the prize pools range in thousands and lakhs in all such tournaments. While competing is these, make sure to follow these strategies –

  • Joker is the key to winning the majority of times. If there is a choice between discarding joker and high-rank cards, try getting rid of the latter. It will not only reduce the point load at the time of loss but also keep the hope of making another meld with the help of the joker high.
  • Be thorough with the game rules. This will save from making false declarations and losing the game and money.
  • Don’t rush into making the declaration first. Also do not set unrealistic expectations. Understand and watch the cards carefully. If there are no jokers or possible melds that can be formed, quit early to save point penalty and heavy losses.
  • The idea of playing more games simultaneously to cover up losses or maximize profits is disastrous. It just confuses and puts the players off track.

Playing Rummy online has emerged as a wonderful and engaging way of having fun and earning some money too. But it requires skill, practice, and strategy to excel. Study the game rules carefully and try playing online with friends today!

Cheryl Henson

Cheryl Henson is a passionate blogger and digital marketing professional who loves writing, reading, and sharing blogs on various topics.

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