
Poker as a Networking Tool: Building Business Relationships at the Card Table

Building positive business relationships can be one of the hardest processes in business. It takes a lot to earn trust and ensure that other parties want to consistently do business with you. Playing on USA poker sites can play its part in helping to foster such connections. Let’s explore how everyone can walk away from the table as a winner.

Common ground and shared experiences

Business relationships rely on authenticity and stepping away from the dehumanizing business world. The best connections are usually those that replicate non-business relationships but maintain some professional distance. Playing on USA-based poker sites for us players allows all parties to enjoy something together, poker is great for this as most people know the rules even if they don’t play frequently. It’s a universal game that most people share as common ground no matter where they are from. Of course, you may have to tinker with the game based on who exactly you are playing with. If your business associates are from a country that typically outlaws gambling it might be best to set up a private non-financial game, just for fun.

Good trust-building exercise (or observation technique)

Remember you’re playing with potential business partners. Don’t bluff or do anything untoward. Equally, you should expect them to do something similar. Try to show that you’re an honest person even in a game of poker. As to bluff your hand might come off as you like to exaggerate your business acumen and credentials. By the same merit, if your potential business partner is playing in an unsavory manner during the game – you might want to think twice before signing a business contract with them. It might only be a game but they are showing unlikeable characteristics which might be present in their business activities, too.

Displaying business acumen at the table

If you’re at the table with some potential business partners or clients, poker can be a great way to show them your skills across varying overlapping business and poker skills. This can be quite a wide range of different attributes including decision-making processes, financial management, and reacting to new situations. All of which are sections of poker and are present in the world of business.

Networking at the table

Remember that everyone at the poker table has a story to tell. It could be that when you sit down at the table your next client is directly across from you. If the mood is right, be sure to engage your peers in conversation. Find out what industry they are in. Obviously, some games and players don’t merit elongated conversations, so ensure to give them your business card or take them away from the table for five minutes for a more in-depth conversation.

Common rules apply here, potentially the person you’re trying to connect with might want a drink or something to eat. While it’s not a given that they’ll do business with you because you bought them a beer, however, it’s certainly a good introduction. Be sure to make sure to do it amicably, as you don’t want them to think you’re simply flirting with them.

Show versatility with different types of poker

While everyone knows the rules of Texas Hold’em, if you and your partners have played a few rounds of it, you could show some versatility by trying some other variations of the game on USA poker sites. See if the casino you’re at had pineapple, Omaha, or other derivatives of the game. This not only shows that you’re a big fan poker fan but also shows that you have a diverse skill set. In turn, it shows that your business activity won’t be limited to just singular thinking.

Ability to show resolve and when to conclude

While you won’t want to end the game too soon, being able to exit the game before running out of money shows potential business partners that you don’t chase lost causes and can stay in control when conducting business. Also, if you do end up losing a few bucks, showing that you have the mettle to take a loss is a strengthening sight for anyone who wants to do business with you.

Post-game discussions like business meetings

If you managed to play poker with some of your business partners, then it’s a great idea to dissect how the game played out with them. This is especially useful if your fellow players aren’t as big into poker as you because you can teach them something useful for the next session.

Cheryl Henson

Cheryl Henson is a passionate blogger and digital marketing professional who loves writing, reading, and sharing blogs on various topics.

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